The idea for Kling snow retention systems, as well as the registration of the utility model of the clamp for standing seam roofs, is due to the alpine situation. The first "snow retention system" f...
Manufactured according to the regulations of the German plumbing trade of the ZVSHK
During the development of the Kling snow retention clamp (utility model registration in 1962), we applied the findings of the original avalanche protection barriers, as they have always led to success on slopes exposed to avalanches with horizontal fencing.
The idea for Kling snow retention systems, as well as the registration of the utility model of the clamp for standing seam roofs, is due to the alpine situation. The first "snow retention system" f...
Kling snow retention systems are an economical and safe fastening of snow retention tubes on trapezoidal sheets, roll cap roofs and sandwich elements. The individual snow chains are fastened using ...
The established Kling snow retention system for the industrially pre-profiled roof. Profile roofs with round head profiles made of Bemo® and Kalzip® etc. can be secured against falling snow.
Accessories for the Kling snow retention system. Whether for standing seam roofs, trapezoidal sheets or industrial profiles, the snow retention tubes and connecting elements fit and round off the c...
About snow retention systems and snow loads. Single or double snow retention systems with ice holders for metal roofs to be installed according to the regulations of the German plumbing trade and c...
Interesting facts and advantages of the Kling snow retention systems for metal and
standing seam roofs.
The protection against roof avalanches.